Crew member on USA118 Oakcliff Racing

Oakcliff Racing. Happy Birthday OD!

TWS: 11knts

TWA: 145°m

BSP: 8.2knts

VMG Sailing.

The weather conditions are beautiful out here 75° sunny and a flat sea. If we were greedy we'd ask for more wind and a more favorable direction but beggers can't be choosers. We are taking this opportunity to air the boat out a bit and rid it of the smell developed since the start. Today was a big moment for us as we checked off the first 1000nm of the trip, 1000 down 2000 to go. Additionally we had a bit of a fire drill at midnight as we celebrated OD's birthday! A wake up by flashing lights and the Beatles "Birthday" blasting on the speaker lasted for all of 2 mins as we decided sleep was the priority. So this one goes out to you old man, we're lucky to have you aboard, Happy Birthday!


Pure Grenada
Port Louis Marina
Calero Marinas