Crew member on GBR9604R Nunatak


Were did that week go?! A 1000 miles down. We had saved first packet of Haribos for that milestone which tasted great - although Elin insisted on eating all the yellow and ginger men!!! Its been a great 7 days only issues being with weather coms on first couple of days and some chaffing of sails (put right by a quick trip up the rig). Other than that Nunatak is holding up well.

Elin and I might not be the fastest 2 handed co skippers but we do it with a smile. The speed in which Elin has learnt the skills of 2 handed sailing is incredible. However her decision to experiment with Spanish tinned meat has been less impressive and I never would have believed that freeze dried food would seem so appealing.

A packet of Jelly Bellies awaits at the 1500 mile mark....

Chris (& Elin who’s asleep – again!).

Pure Grenada
Port Louis Marina
Calero Marinas