Crew member on FRA145 Eärendil - Dec 5

Dear all, everyone's fine on board.
We have been making south in our route last night and we are now at the latitude of Grenada. We will probably gybe soon. The wind angle was not favorable last night. We are benefitting on the contrary this morning of a favorable angle on the same tack. So we keep to it for as long as possible.

We had problem with the connection again yesterday afternoon but it was functioning perfectly afterwards. So just a little annoyance. We seem to see less weeds. We had to make a reverse every 4 hours to get rid of these in the keel, but it looks that they are sparse here. It is getting better and better over time.

Gery keeps saying that he is going to make a stew of the flying fishes that come unfortunately on board at night. BUt Pietro and I are totally against it. So we have avoided this up to now. We saw a couple of tropical birds yesterday, but no other boat. Not much to say thus.

We are at 700 miles from Grenada and we should have good winds up to there.

A demain.
Pietro, Gery and Catherine

Pure Grenada
Port Louis Marina
Calero Marinas