Tuesday blog from Leopard GBR1R

2016 rtr leopard drone


As EC and GFS were fighting for the right course like two scottish children for the last chocolate bar, the lovely food of the even more lovely chef stuffed some sense into the 19 men on board and they decided to follow THE NAVIGATORS experienced advice regarding navigation. Leopard headed on a lonely path to the north as all the other sailed to the south of las Palmas. Speaking in the tongue familiar to the owner Mike Slade this investment into a longer route seems to be paying dividends as Leopard is facing a decent forecast enabling an almost straight downwind course to Grenada from 24h on. Our media man Kolja proved himself capable of dealing with high pressure and to be more than worthy with his high risk strategy of a sunrise drone flight.

2016 rtr leopard crew onboard

Pure Grenada
Port Louis Marina
Calero Marinas